Kid Rock and Blake Shelton are hitting the road together, bringing what they’re
calling a “Non-Woke Red States Tour” to audiences across conservative America.
The announcement comes on the heels of Donald Trump’s recent re-election, a
political shift that seems to have ignited a new energy among country and rock
artists looking to bring “good old-fashioned” entertainment back to their fans. In
their joint press release, Kid Rock and Shelton promised a tour filled with patriotism,
beer, and music that “doesn’t apologize for being real.”

We re officially back. Kid nock proclaimed in a video on social media, grinning
from veneath his iconic fedora. This is the kind of tour that celebrates America the
way we remember it.” shelton joined in, saying, it’s about time we had a sho.. that
doesn’t worry about being politically correct. This ones or the ans..ho dont
want to ti toe around the fun.
hile many concert tours today come ith hashtags about acti.ism and inclusivity,
Kid Rock and Blake Shelton are going in a different direction. Promising a tour free
from woke agendas and “canceled culture,” the t..o stars are making it clear that
they re embracing a more traditional ap roach, with a focus on reedom, un, and
ook, we love our countr, and we’re tired of .eeling like ..e can’t say that,” nid
nock told fans. This isn t auout dividing people it’s about bringing people
together over music that doesnt a ologie” Shelton added, -eople are sick of
feeling judged for a beer or waving the American lag. e’re here to sa,,
Let’s have a good time and remember..hat ..e lo.e auout this country.”

ccording to tour organi_ers, audiences can e.. ect a mi. of rock, country, and a
little “old school atriotism,” with giant merican flags and classic red, ..hite, and
blue lighting setups. merchandise will include T-shirts embla.oned with phrases like
Ivon-vvoke and proud” and “we the people.”

In a move that s sure to add to the buzz, Nid Rock and Blake Shelton announced
that the tour ill only take lace in states that “stand by traditional American
values,” meaning you won’t find them per.orming in places like California or New
ork an, time soon. Lubbed the ned States our, the concert will visit cities in,lorida, lauama, Tennessee, and other Republican strongholds their
brand of non-woke entertainment is likel, to be celebrated.

We..ant to pla, where we kno.. people ..ill appreciate this,” Shelton said in the
announcement We love our fans everywhere, uut this tour is about connecting
with the heart of America. e’re keeping it sim le, real, and unfiltered.”
The announcement has sent social media into a ren….ith responses from both
ends of the spectrum..n conservative T..itter and. acebook circles, the reaction
has been overwhelmingly ositive, with fans hailing the t..o stars for “standing u
to the police””,inally, some entertainers ith backbone, tweeted one fan from Lant wait to see the sho… Shelton and Kid Rock, thank you for being true

Lonversely, others have been quick to call the tour divisive, accusing Kid Rock and
Shelton of alienating fans who don’t align ..ith their political views. “This is st
pandering to one side and adding fuel to the fire,” posted one critic.”…usic should
be about bringing people together, not creating more division.”

-ut.jd nock and Shelton seem unfa.ed by the uacklash. in a follow-up ost…id
nock, rote. If you dont like it, don t bu, a ticket. vve’re not here to please
everyone, and that’s e actl, the point.”

hile critics argue that the tour is politically charged, Shelton insists that it’s less
auout olitics and more about celerating values that he ha.e been
o.ershado.ed This tour isn t about politics it’s about freedom, famil,, and fun.”
Shelton told fans. “vve just want to play music and have a good time..ithout feeling
like we ha.e to censor ourselves.”
Shelton has a reputation as a down-to-earth, relataule star, and he s been open
auout wanting to kee things simple and un. onestly, we’re,ust guys who love
our country and our music, Chelton added.”. eople are authenticity, and
we re e cited to give them that.

Kid Rock has long been a figure, known for his outspoken views and
refusal to conform to mainstream norms. or him, this tour is about giving fans
permission to e press themselves however the,..ant. This is the you
bring your beer, your flag, and your .oice, he said. “We re here for the eople who
feel like they don t have a place an, more in entertainment.”

The ..on-vvoke Red States Tour” is the erfect e tension of nid Rocks brand of
rebellious patriotism. his songs have long touched on themes of pride, grit, and
mericana, making him an ideal partner for Shelton in this venture we’re just tired
of the cancel culture nonsense, he told his follo..ers. We re doing this our way.”
Since the announcement, ticket sales in red states have skyrocketed, with fans
clamoring for a chance to see the una ologeticall, patriotic duo live. in Te as alone,
ticket sales for the initial dates sold out in hours, prompting organizers to add e tra
sho..s to kee up..ith demand.

As Kid Rock and Shelton prepare to take the stage, some fans are suggesting that
this tour is more than just a series of concerts-it’s the beginning of a movement.
“This is about more than just music,” said a fan in Florida. “It’s about giving people a
voice who feel left out by the current culture. It’s like a movement for the
Shelton and Kid Rock are leaning into that sentiment, encouraging fans to bring
their patriotism and celebrate American values unapologetically. “This tour is for
everyone who’s felt like they couldn’t say what they believe.” Shelton said. “We’re
here to remind people that it’s okay to be proud of who you are and what you
believe in.”

As the “Non-Woke Red States Tour” kicks off, Kid Rock and Blake Shelton are
sending a clear message to fans and critics alike. they’re here to celebrate American
values without compromise, and they’re doing it on their terms.
The duo’s choice to focus solely on red states is already setting the stage for one of
the year’s most talked-about tours, and if early ticket sales are any indication,
they’re about to pack arenas across conservative America.

“We’re back,” Kid Rock said with a grin in the tour’s announcement video. “And
we’re just getting started.” For their fans, that’s music to their ears. For their critics,
it’s another dose of the unapologetic patriotism that has made both stars famous.